Workshop Submission Overview

The Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals (AADCP) is pleased to announce the Call for Presenters for the Annual Treatment Courts Conference, at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, Arizona.  Our goal is to offer quality 75-minute workshops that provide skill-building opportunities, increase professional competencies, and focus on implementing research into practice.

AADCP seeks workshop proposals that present best practices in service delivery, collaboration and justice programming that enhance outcomes for participants in treatment courts, including adult, juvenile, family and reentry drug treatment courts; DWI courts; tribal healing to wellness courts; mental health courts and veterans treatment courts.  AADCP will give special consideration to workshop proposals that address issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (racial, ethnic and gender disparities in treatment/programs) such as working with minority populations, gender specific services, working with the veteran population, women and trauma, trauma treatment for female veterans, treating women with SUD, mental illness or co-occurring; treatment needs of the LGBTQ population, LGBTQ participants in treatment court, evidence-based strategies for engaging the family in SUD, mental health and/or co-occurring treatment services, cultural diversity, historical trauma, epigenetics and trauma.

Proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the field, engaging format, and expertise of the presenter relevant to the subject matter. Please review the selection criteria below:

  • If proposing a panel format, a maximum of three (3) panelists and one (1) moderator is allowed.
  • When completing the “Session Description” and “Learning Objectives” portions of this application, please craft language that could be used in the official conference program to describe your session. If your application is accepted, this section of your application may be included in the final program.
  • Presenters agree to provide AADCP with final electronic copies of any slide decks and/or handout materials for their session(s). All materials, in PDF format, will be made available to attendees via the AADCP Conference Website. If you would like physical copies, you are responsible for providing them to attendees.
  • AADCP speakers are expected to register for the conference and pay for their own travel/lodging expenses. Speakers, max of three per workshop, will receive discounted registration fee.

AADCP may publish part or all of the proceedings of this conference. By presenting at the conference, you agree that AADCP has the right to include your presentation in a future publication and/or on its websites if AADCP decides to do so. You are not precluded from publishing your material elsewhere, nor is AADCP obligated to include it in any book, monograph, scholarly journal or other communication that may arise from this conference.

 If you have any questions, please email [email protected] subject: Conference Workshop Question.

Submissions Closed

Submission Guidelines


When submitting your workshop proposals, please include the following:

  • Workshop Title
  • Workshop Description (Abstract)
  • Learning Objectives
  • Presenter Information- Name(s), Title, Agency Address, E-mail and Phone Number
  • Primary Contact for the workshop
  • The audience that your presentation is applicable to
  • Date of your preferred workshop presentation (cannot be guaranteed, but will be considered)



All presenters must register for the conference (at a reduced rate, max of three presenters per workshop). Additionally, all travel and lodging expenses related to presenting at the conference are the responsibility of each presenter.

Audience Profile

Presentations will be addressed to judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, parole officers, law enforcement, social workers, behavioral health professionals and paraprofessionals, treatment providers, community advocates, alumni/participants, government officials, Veteran Affairs, Native American Tribal communities, educators and students.

Audience Profile

Submissions Due – November 22nd
Session Materials Due – March 1st