Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals

Duties and Obligations


The following board seats will be opened this year, to members. Review the position descriptions below. If you know someone who would be a good candidate and wants to help make a difference in the treatment courts of Arizona, please consider nominating them for the following. 

President | Secretary | Board Member

Board Member Overview

The below descriptions are guidelines for the functions of each board member of Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals (AADCP).  All board members serve as trustees acting on behalf of AADCP’s members, benefactors, the government, and taxpayers.  The board has the principal responsibility for fulfillment of the organization’s mission and the legal accountability for its operations.  This means that as a group they are in charge of establishing a clear organizational mission using best practices, administering and amending the bylaws, strategic planning to accomplish the mission of AADCP, overseeing and evaluating the plan’s success, recruiting competent board members and volunteers in an advisory capacity, auxiliary committees, and providing adequate supervision and support, ensuring financial solvency of the organization, and interpreting and representing the community to the organization. + Read the Full Board Member Overview

All board members must also be current members in good standing of AADCP, registering by April 30 annually on our website,  The membership term runs May 1 through April 30 each year.

Position Descriptions

The function of a board member is to provide governance to the organization, represent it to the community, and accept the ultimate legal authority for it.

1. Approves AADCP’s philosophy and review management’s performance in achieving it
2. Annually assesses the environment and approve AADCP’s strategy in relation to it
3. Annually reviews and approves AADCP’s five-year financial goals
4. Annually reviews and approves AADCP’s plans for funding the strategies
5. Annually reviews and approves AADCP’s Annual Conference planning
6. Approves major policies
7. Determines eligibility for and appoint board members and committees in response to recommended nominations
8. Participates in annually reviewing the performance of the board and take steps to improve its performance
9. Makes certain the financial structure of AADCP is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy
10. Provides candid and constructive criticism, advice and comments


As President of the AADCP board, the function of this person is to assure that board members fulfill their responsibilities for the governance of AADCP, as well as optimize the relationship between the board, committees, and the community. 2 Year Term

1. Chairs board meetings and develop the agendas. Sees that it functions effectively, interacts with board and committee members, and consultants to make sure they fulfill all of their duties
2. Reviews and recommends the composition of the board and the committees
3. Recommends committee chairperson(s) with consideration of the strategic plan and future succession to the board
4. Signs any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments which the board has authorized to be implemented, except in cases where the signing and implementation thereof is expressly delegated by the board or by the bylaws or by statute to some other officer or agent of AADCP; and in general the President shall perform all duties interrelated to the office of the President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the board from time to time
5. Assists the board in recruiting new members, as well as other prospective volunteers for whatever assignments are needed
6. Discloses any concerns board members have with regard to the performance of board or committee members within the organization
7. Presents an evaluation of the direction, planning and strength of AADCP to the Board
8. Maintains the board’s attention focused on matters important to AADCP, including fundraising, management, structure, roles, strategic planning, and the annual conference
9. Provides Consultation as needed to other Board Members
10. Serves as a spokesperson, when required
11. Fulfills such other assignments as decided by the Executive Board


As Vice President, this person acts as the president in his/her absence; assists the president on all above-listed duties. The Vice President may also be assigned to special areas of responsibility, such as member assistance, fundraising, or personnel recruitment. 2 Year Term

1. Manages emails sent through the AADCP email address or via the website.
2. Executive Board Awards: Coordinates with web designer to recruit nominees, coordinates review and voting with the Board, coordinates recognition and awards presented to winners, including the purchasing of the plaques or award presented


The Treasurer manages the board’s review of, and action related to, the AADCP board’s financial responsibilities. The treasurer works directly with the board in developing and implementing financial procedures and systems and developing an annual budget. 2 Year Term

1. Regularly reports to board on key financial events, trends, concerns and assessment of fiscal health
2. Responsible for filing income taxes
3. Corporation Commission annual renewal
4. Reviews and renews insurance policies
5. Ensures that appropriate financial reports are made available to the board
6. Ensures sound management and maximization of cash and investments
7. Ensures the development of an annual budget


The Secretary shall keep important records, documents, transcribe and distribute minutes of all meetings of the board. 2 Year Term

1. Ensures that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of AADCP’s bylaws or as required by law, including but not limited to insurance policies, corporation commission, 501(c)(3) status, and tax filing and documents
2. Be custodian of the organization’s records and of the seal of the organization and sees that the seal of the organization is affixed to all documents if required, the implementation of which on behalf of the organization under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws
3. Creates the board meeting draft agenda two weeks prior, soliciting input from all board members
4. Performs all duties in accordance with the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to her/him by the President of the board



As sitting Past President, this person is a voting member of the board and performs an advisory role to the current President and board members. 2 Year Term

1. May be assigned to special areas of responsibility, such as strategic planning, fundraising, or new board and committee member recruitment
2. Serves as the board representative and Chair of the Advisory Committee

The Executive Director reports directly to the Executive Board.

1. Works with the board to craft strategic vision, then aligns organizational resources with it
2. Assists in developing an effective monthly meeting agenda and ensures performance goals are met and set
3. Along with the Executive Committee members, Executive Director is responsible for administrative procedures and processes to maintain fiscal accountability and control, equitable and fair practices, and efficiency of operations
4. Oversees and coordinates fundraising and donor management activities
5. Oversees the planning and management of the annual AADCP Conference
6. Develops other revenue sources including business arrangements and funding proposals
7. Develops and maintains effective working relationships with members of the board
8. Along with the Executive Committee, creates and manages the annual budget
9. Ensures compliance with all appropriate regulations
10. Ensures appropriate information flow both within and outside the organization
11. Represents the organization; serves as its public face as appropriate
12. Oversees marketing, media relations, public relations and issues management activities


The AOC Adult Drug Court Coordinator is an appointed position by the AOC and serves on the Advisory Committee as a non-voting member. The person and length of their term is established by the appointee.

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held monthly excluding July.

The Executive Committee drafts an agenda two weeks prior to the board meeting. The Secretary solicits input from all board members as to important issues to include on the agenda. Once all input has been received, the Executive Committee reviews the agenda which is ultimately approved by the President.

New Board Member Orientation Guidelines

Board member orientation is an important part of educating and engaging AADCP new members early on in their term. New members must be informed of the mission, strategic planning, fundraising, and best practices goals of AADCP.

Guidelines for an effective orientation include the following:

      1. New board member packet:
          1. Mission Statement
          2. Board job descriptions
          3. Strategic plan
          4. Board member pledge
          5. Confidentiality agreement
          6. Board matrix
      2. Board expectations
          1. Principals of good practice
          2. Ambassadors for AADCP within the community
      3. Board Committees
      4. Strategic Plan Overview
      5. General Information
          1. Board meeting schedule and how they are run, including agenda input
          2. Board terms
          3. Executive committee (elections, terms)
          4. Mentor assignments
          5. Committee preference/expertise
          6. Q & A

Additional Descriptions


The Advisory Committee is comprised of the AADCP Past President, the AOC Adult Drug Court Coordinator, and one representative appointed from each Arizona county that has an operational treatment court (15). The committee’s role is to provide input regarding their treatment court success, challenges, unique situations, and suggestions for improvement. In addition, Advisory Committee members will serve as a representative for AADCP within their county, where members of AADCP will be encouraged through our website and at conferences to contact their representative with any helpful information, challenges, etc., to share with our board.

The Past President will serve as the board representative and Chair of the committee, and a Vice Chair will be elected from the committee by committee members.

Advisory Committee Appointment Process:

      1. Appointees include: one representative from each county (see 2 below), AOC Adult
        Drug Court Coordinator, the Past President of AADCP to serve as Chair, and a Vice Chair
        elected from the overall Advisory Committee membership

      2. Appointing representatives from each county:

          1. AADCP Past President will create an email inviting each county to appoint one representative to the Advisory Committee

          2. This email will be sent to each county’s Treatment Court Coordinator, as well as the AOC Adult Drug Court Coordinator

          3. Each county may develop its own process to determine its representative recommendation to be submitted for membership on the Advisory Committee

          4. Appointee recommendations will be reviewed by the AADCP Board Executive Team

      3. Ongoing Recruitment: the AADCP Board Members will actively educate counties of
        AADCP membership benefits via email, the website, lunch and learns (via technology) or
        any other means to “advertise” or “recruit” members

These are non-voting members of AADCP Board and will be encouraged to attend board meetings on designated dates biannually.

Board Member Overview

The following descriptions are guidelines for the functions of each board member of Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals (AADCP). All board members serve as trustees acting on behalf of AADCP’s members, benefactors, the government, and taxpayers. The board has the principal responsibility for fulfillment of the organization’s mission and the legal accountability for its operations. This means that as a group they are in charge of establishing a clear organizational mission using best practices, administering and amending the bylaws, strategic planning to accomplish the mission of AADCP, overseeing and evaluating the plan’s success, recruiting competent board members and volunteers in an advisory capacity, auxiliary committees, and providing adequate supervision and support, ensuring financial solvency of the organization, and interpreting and representing the community to the organization.

Board members have a responsibility of loyalty to the organization, its staff and other board members. While differences of opinion are sure to arise, board members should seek to keep disagreements impersonal. By practicing discretion and accepting decisions made on a majority basis, board unity and confidence will be promoted.

Board members accomplish their functions through regular meetings and by establishing a committee structure that is appropriate to the size of the organization and the board. Ideally, board members arrive at meetings prepared and ready to engage in thoughtful dialogue, and there is a group process which generates and uses the best resources and expertise of its members.

Boards should be open to self-evaluation and regularly review their own composition to ensure balanced representation, expertise and commitment.
Board terms are three years, with the option of serving two consecutive terms. The board member term limit excludes the Executive Committee, where years served are in addition to the board term limits. The board has the discretion to extend a board term with the intent of providing optimal composition and overall long-term health of AADCP.


All board members must also be current members in good standing of AADCP, registering by April 30 annually on our website,  The membership term runs May 1 through April 30 each year.