Submit your nomination to day for the Innovation and Excellence Award to be presented at the upcoming AADCP Treatment Court Conference
Innovation Award
The Innovation Award recognizes a treatment court team for excellence in creating an innovative approach that brings tangible creative benefits to their program. The court team demonstrates outstanding teamwork to create a program that really makes a difference in advancing the key principles of treatment court.
Excellence Award
The Commitment to Excellence Award recognizes an individual who excels in their responsibilities through their integrity and strong commitment to the mission and principles of their treatment court. The individual consistently demonstrates outstanding dedication, competence, and exceptional performance. Further, this individual demonstrates ingenuity and has made exceptional contributions which have had a significant, positive impact on their treatment court and its participants.

Excellence Award
Ron Jones - Yuma County Adult Drug Court Special Defense Counsel

Hall of Fame
Carlos Dan Carrion

Innovation Award
Pima County Drug Court/DTAP Program

Excellence Award
Judge Ted Reed Coconino County Recovery Court

Innovation Award
Coconino County Recovery Court

Excellence Award
Leigh Rupert - Maricopa County Youthful Offender Program

Hall of Fame
Michelle Hart - Coconino County Adult Probation, Deputy Chief, ret.
No recognitions awarded this year.

Hall of fame
Susan Alameda - State Drug Court Coordinator, AOC

Innovation Award
Mesa Community Court

Excellence Award
Walt Lynn - Yavapai County Drug Court

Hall of fame
Karen Cowgill - Maricopa County Drug Court

Innovation Award
Coconino County Recovery Court

Innovation Award
Yavapai County Drug Court

Excellence Award
Mike Byrd - Yuma County Drug Court

Excellence Award
Tiffany Griffith - Yavapai County Drug Court

Sheila Tickle - Maricopa County Family Treatment Court

Excellence Award
Honorable Rick Williams - Mohave County Drug Court

Hall of Fame
Robin Hoskins

Innovation Award
Maricopa County Juvenile Court Dependency Court

Excellence Award
Mike Esser - Mohave County Adult Drug Court

Excellence Award
Fanny Steinlage - Coconino County Mental Health Court